European Trip 2016!

European Trip 2016!

The Edwards do Europe!!!!

Back in January Matt’s parents mentioned that one of his grandmother’s was turning 90 in July and asked if we would like to go over and celebrate her birthday!  Pretty much a no brainer when they also offered to cover our plane tickets!

It’s been over 6 years since we’ve been to the UK to see family and quite a few years since anyone has been over to the US.  With a vague timeline in hand, Matt and I decided we would go over for two weeks.  We’d spend one week with family and one week trekking around.  At first we thought we’d actually see Beryl on her birthday so I started trying to figure out how we could also see a Tour de France tour stop.  I mean if you’re going to be in Europe in July, you might as well make that work right?!!?  The only stop I could kind of work out was the Tour stop in Berne Switzerland.  Then Matt’s parents decided to go over a little earlier.  This would rule out any Tour stops but we decided to keep Switzerland on the list.

Once we started looking for plane tickets we found a good deal flying into Zurich and out of London!  This would mean we’d have a week to make our way to the UK.

First stop, Zurich!


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